Wednesday 3 February 2010

How it All Began

In the history of the Muslim Ummah,even during the Prophet's life there were controversies and differences of opinion in matters of daily life.
But, the messenger of Allah was always there to point right from wrong.After his death,to this day there is not one united Muslim view.We have been dissected and labelled ,by either ourselves or outside forces.
We all recite one Kalima(declaration of faith), believe in One God and recite one Quran- or do we?Throughout the ages muslims of the world have held different views on Islam and Allah and basically on life in general.It is no surprise that differences within the faith remain or rather, are more widespread today.
The solution? We should concentrate on the common issues.Be tolerant of one another.Lay the foundation for harmonious relationships within the Ummah.
But, harmony can never be brought about by suppression or silencing one party by might or power.That silence is akin to burning lava which at some point will explode and destroy all.
Harmony can only be brought about by open mindedness,tolerance,knowledge and communication .
As God has said 'To you ,be your religion, to me , my religion'
(chapter 109: verse 6)

Saudi Arabia is home to the two most Holy sites on the globe for the entire Muslim Ummah. The Holy Ka'aba and Masjid e Nabwi(The Mosque of Prophet Muhammad pbuh&hf).Yet,in 1806 an attempt was made to destroy this Prophet's tomb; not by the jews or christians or non muslims of the world,but by Muslims themselves and in the name of Islam.
Here, is a brief account of how Islamic thought was being shaped in Arabia under the motto of cleansing the faith of unislamic practices according to the beliefs of Ab dul Wahab.
In 1744 an alliance was formed between the son of Muhammad Ibn Saud, who was the ruler and prince of Al Diriyah(a town near Riyadh) and the daughter of a fugitive .religious cleric,Muhammad Ibn Abd-al-Wahab. This marriage led to the creation of a political entity where the prince had agreed to support the cause of the cleric , in 'cleansing Islam of practices of heresey' - supporting a unique definition of tauheed( Onesss Of God)and thus leading to the formation of the first Saudi state or the 'House of Saud' .
As they rose to power,they conquered most of the Arabian penninsula .A series of military conflicts ensued with the Ottoman Empire, the sharif of Makkah, and the Al-Rashid family of Ha'il, resulting in present day Saudi Arabia.

The whole object was to 'cleanse' the faith.Which they did by the sword ,even if those whom they aimed to cleanse did not wish to be 'cleansed' - resulting in massacres and the expansion of their kingdom.Pilgrims from all around the world to Makaah and Medina were persecuted if they did not believe in their version of Islam.

I wonder if this was the practice of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh&hf or rather a certain cleric rising to realize his political ambitions in the name of Islam?
Which do you think ?Pease respond.

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